In our working lives, we tend to make many assumptions about our peers based on their job titles or roles. We tend to forget how dynamic careers are now, and that most of us have had multiple jobs/roles prior to our current one. Additionally, some have completely transitioned disciplines and most of their experience is in an entirely different domain. Most of my experience and knowledge helps me in my job but I do not get to bask in it like I used to. Not only that, but many I work with have little to no idea about my wet-lab experience. They see ‘Bioinformatics’ in my title and assume I’ve never been at the bench. The reality is, I felt that I thrived at the bench! I’m making this post as a reminder to myself, whenever I feel like I’m “just the LIMS guy”, that I need to remind myself a few things. These might help you as well:

You are more than your job.

You are more than your past experiences.

You have so much more to learn.

You are still growing