Transitions, especially in technical positions, can be really challenging. Loads of technical information get thrown your way, and you are expected to take it all in extremely fast. If you learn best while doing (learning styles are a myth btw - see the video below). While reading the First 90 days, Michael Watkins stresses the importance of not focusing too much on the technical details to start. This book was generated more towards leadership/exectuive roles, but I still belive this applies to technical roles as well. Yes, you will need to get up to speed fast. Starting out, however, you have to know who the subject matter experts are so that you can learn from them. Also, you have to realize that you can’t learn and be an expert in every technical aspect of the company. You have to lean on others’ strengths while you enhance your own.

Not How But Who

If you’re transitioning right now, best of luck to you. Remember you probably place higher expectations on your ability starting out than your team/company does. If a lot of technical and historical info has already been built up for some time, that info will need to be downloaded as well. You can’t take it all in at once.